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Sunday, March 28, 2010

kata nabiku..

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda :

Sebuah thoifah akhir zaman
Datang sesudah kewafatanku
Tidak pernah berjumpa denganku
Tapi sangat mencintai diriku
Melebihi anak dan ibu bapa mereka

Rindu oh rindunya aku pada mereka
Ya rindunya aku pada mereka
Wahai Abu Bakar, tidakkah kamu juga merindukan mereka
Sedangkan mereka sangat merindukan diri kamu
Kerana kamu sahabatku....

Mereka adalah ikhwanku saudara-saudaraku
Sedangkan kamu sahabat-sahabatku
Berbahagialah orang yang bertemu denganku dan beriman denganku

7kali orang yang tidak bertemuku
Tetapi beriman denganku

Ikhwanku ganjil di kalangan umum mukminin
Kerana mengikut cara hidup para Siddiqin
Berakhlak dengan akhlak nabi-nabi
Berjuang bak tentara Badar untuk kebangkitan kedua
Al Mahdi dan Fata Tamimi bersama dengan jemaahnya
Mereka adalah para ikhwan di akhir zaman
Di tangan mereka inilah
Allah akan mengislamkan dunia
Jika kamu sudah mendengar tentang mereka
Datangilah dan berbai'ahlah
Sekalipun kamu terpaksa merangkak di atas salji

Berbahagialah orang yang bertemu denganku dan beriman denganku
Berbahagialah 7kali orang yang tidak bertemuku tapi beriman denganku...



  1. One day the Messenger of Allah (PBUH: peace be upon him) asked his companions: “Which of God’s creatures possess the most amazing iman (faith)?”

    “The Angels,” answered his companions.

    “How would the Angels not have faith in Allah when they are always close to Him,” replied the Messenger in disagreement.

    “The prophets,” answered the other companions.

    “How would the prophets not have faith when words of God are revealed unto them?” the Messenger disagreed.

    “We – your companions?” the companions suggested.

    “How would you not have faith when I am always amidst you?” retorted the Messenger.

    Finally the Messenger decreed: “The creatures with the most amazing iman are those who live after me. They have never met me but they declare faith in me. They love me more than they love their children and elders. They are my Ikhwan (Brothers). They read the Quran and are faithful to all its contents.”
    (Related by Abu Ya’la)

    “O Abu Bakr,” the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) asked, “Do you not long for my Ikhwan since they also love you because you are my companion?”
    (Related by Ibnu Hajar Asqalani)

    The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) continued: “Good tidings for those who meet and declare faith in me. And sevenfold good tidings for those who declare faith in me but have never met me.”
    (Related by Ahmad)

    Let it be known to you, that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) longs for a tha’ifah (group) from amongst his ummah near the end of time; an ummah whose morals are akin to the prophets’ and who remain steadfast to the ways of the siddiqin (righteous). They are the strange ones among the general Muslim population.

  2. subhanallah..
    kata kakak, org yg hati bersih mudah shj hidayah masuk ke dalamnya..


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