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Monday, November 18, 2013

The Unknown Future

Sedang menampal gambar berukuran passport di muka pertama resume.

Lagu Konayuki sedang berkumandang. penuh bermakna, kerna mata pernah membaca tafsirannya.

Dan sesuatu tiba-tiba menusuk kalbu.

"Inilah masa yang ditunggu-tunggu...

Akhirnya! Impianku untuk berkhidmat kepada orang sakit di hospital akan tercapai,"

why should i be afraid of...

the unknown future
this is what i'm hoping for...all this while
I've been struggling for it for so many tough years
i should be very happy!

"and that thought give me a relief."

Esok interview SPA

Terima kasih abang, for such a wonderful  and smart resume! =)

and for the birthday wishes, nyummy self-made carrot juice, maggie kari sehat and delicious cake!

Subhanallah walhamdulillah walaa ilaha illallah

18 November 1988
18 November 2013

Secebis Renungan...

Islamik Testimonial